Everything you need to know about BB glow
Hi friends, I have received a lot of queries for BB Glow and I hope this will help you clear all your doubts about this wonderful treatment.
1.What can we expect from BB GLOW treatment?
It’s like a BB cream
It’s not a concealer
Just like its name, BB Glow will give you an effect of BB cream or basic foundation which will help in making your skin tone even. It creates a shine and uniform pigmentation all over face. But it is important that my patients understand that it cannot treat any melasma or pigmentation issues. It is a semi-permanent makeup look which will surely hide your irregularities (just as makeup do) but won’t solve them.
2. What kind of needles to be used?
The needles used in bb glow procedure are nanoneedles and not microneedles.
Nanoneedles are flat projections and help in sending pigment deep into epidermis.
Now, there are some professionals who use microneedles but theoretically the pigment can go deep in dermis and has risk of creating foreign body reactions. Also, the deep pigment can look a little greyish because of Tyndall effect and may not give desired results.
If you are doing only booster round to give hydration, glow or whitening effect, you can do with microneedles but if you are depositing pigment, then needles are big no-no.
Also, if you are using nanoneedles, you don’t require any anaesthesia, that is why this procedure is done without anaesthesia.
On bony prominences like forehead and nose, you have to set your needle to 0.5-1mm only as the skin is thin over here. However, in some microneedling devices, it may not be standardised and you may have to do a little deeper on these ones.
The ideal way is mild uncomfortable sensation on bony prominences and 1.5-2mm above what are you using on forehead foe cheeks and neck and chin. Since pigment deposition is on a superficial level, it is unlikely to cause any reactions and in my experience, none had any reaction except flare up of acne.
So it’s better to avoid in case of any active infections including acne, herpes, bacterial infections
3. For how long the results of BB Glow stay?
A single session of BB glow washes in just 7-8 face washes. This may sound discouraging and many of you will not like to continue next sessions. However for longer term results, one should at least take 4-6 regular sessions at a gap of 7-10 days. Since full epidermis wash off in 3 months’ time, repeat sessions will be required after that also.
4. When is the best time to take BB Glow?
The best time to take BB glow is before your big event. I recommend many of my brides and patients who go often to events to take up 4-6 sessions of this treatment and make their skin look ready for their big day.
People who apply makeup on a daily basis can take this treatment too to avoid applying makeup and to save their time every time they go out.