Acne & scar

"Acne is a bigger problem than injuries"

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.

Though most of the individuals suffer from mild acne and they get cured without any intervention, a severe form can lead to permanent disfigurement of your skin. Dr Jyoti believes in treating the acne at its onset to decrease any physical or psychological distress in her patients life. With correct medical, hormonal, lifestyle treatment, acne can be treated permanently without any sequelae.

To treat resistant acne and to hasten recovery period, Dr jyoti also combines chemical peels, microneedling therapy, microinfusion of anti acne medications, microbuff and light based therapy.

"Dear Acne, Let's Break Up"

Scars, especially acne scars, remind us of the tissue damage caused and the body’s effort to repair that damage. Scarring is often worsened in acne patients when the acne is "popped" or picked at with fingers or sharp objects. With this additional injury to the skin, further inflammation is caused and the immune system has to work very hard to try and repair the tissue damage, often leading to unsightly scars. Scar removal treatments minimize the visibility of scars, allowing you to improve your self-esteem and no longer struggle to cover up the scars

"From every wound there is a scar & every scar tells a diffrent story which deserves personalised & unique approach"

Types of Acne Scars

Pigmented Scars: Skin discoloration or pigmentation can manifest as red, red-brown, or brown-black discolored spots and is often the result of increased melanin production or blood vessel dilation from inflammation. Dealing with countless patients of skin discoloration of different skin types and ethnicities, Dr. Jyoti uses a combination of techniques including medical treatment, light and laser treatment, microneedling, and PRP treatment to achieve improvement in complexion.

Hypertrophic Keloid Scar: They are thick, raised, red to skin color scars resulting from excessive collagen formation during the body's healing process. Keloids are a more severe type of raised scar. They differ from hypertrophic scars in that keloids grow larger than the original wound. They can send out raised, lateral shoots that expand much farther than the wound itself and can continue to grow long after the original wound has healed. Some people are more prone to developing keloids. To improve the look and texture of hypertrophic scars and optimize the healing process, Dr. Jyoti employs various treatments in a combination approach: skin care, intralesional injections, and energy-based devices such as lasers, radiofrequency, and microneedling with PRP and factor 4. The aim is to soften and shrink the scars by disrupting the disordered connective tissue, shrink the thickened collagen beneath the scar, resurface the scar's texture, and reduce the amount of skin discoloration.

Ice Pick Scars: Ice pick scars are deep, very narrow scars that extend into the dermis. The skin looks as if it has been pierced by an ice pick or sharp instrument. Ice pick scars seem to make a small, thin, deep hole in the skin. Some may look like a large, open pore. Dr. Jyoti employs a series of focused treatments which go much deeper in order to produce dramatic improvements. Dr. Jyoti's approach to these scars begins with TCA Cross, a procedure in which trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is applied with a toothpick or needle to each scar, causing a controlled scab to form. Once the scab peels and the skin heals, the scar shrinks inward, decreasing in size. These treatments are usually followed by a combination of superficial treatments, such as lasers, peels, microneedling, and microneedling with radiofrequency, leading to more shallow scarring with improved skin texture.

Atrophic Scars: These are categorized as rolling (wave-like depressions across otherwise normal-looking skin) and boxcar scars (round or oval depressions with steep vertical sides). The skin itself looks uneven and can appear worse with makeup. Dr. Jyoti uses a multi-pronged approach and a variety of minimally invasive procedures to improve these scars.

First, Dr. Jyoti does subcision (internal sharp needling) to release tethered scars that are bound down and depressed due to an underlying scar tissue. Then, an autologous preparation which contains a large amount of platelets (PRP) or growth factor (factor 4) concentrated into a small volume is injected in these scars to cause growth of new collagen. Lastly, a tailored combination of lasers, peels, microneedling, and fractional radiofrequency or radiofrequency microneedling are used to resurface the skin’s texture; the precise combination is determined based on your skin type, the severity of the scars, and anticipated downtime. In the end, to give a finishing touch, fillers are injected to bring a smoother skin. Using this masterful approach, Dr. Jyoti expertly lifts, plumps, and remodels depressed scars at various levels to improve the overall texture of your skin.

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